A unique combination

A blend of technically, culturally & commercially astute people

Business Analysis & Business Architecture

In today’s complex and dynamic organisations, Business Analysis is an essential ingredient for success. It’s about being able to creatively define capabilities (processes, systems, and functions) that will genuinely move a business forward and it often embodies much of the core intellectual capital within a business.

In a narrow context, it might have focus on a single function within a business, and be defining capabilities to drive improvements through automation. In its widest context – what is often called Business Architecture – it will mean analysing and defining the capabilities that are best delivered ‘in house’ from those that are best delivered by external organisations – and thus informing the future shape of the business itself.

Whatever the context though, the focus should be on business needs and desired business outcomes – which is much more than simply IT. So what you can rely on from Quortex will be:

  • “Doers” who make things happen and have a track record in driving real change
  • Business experience applied through constructive challenge to augment your own expert understanding of what is best for your business
  • Rigour and professionalism in the approach giving you greater clarity and certainty
  • A passion to remain focussed on satisfying the underlying ‘business need’ and developing pragmatic and sustainable solutions to satisfy that need

For examples of how we have delivered real value to clients through our expertise in Business Analysis and Business
Architecture, click here to read our CASE STUDIES.


Making projects & programmes work to deliver real results…
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Accelerating individual & team performance to achieve your business goals…
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Ensuring advances in technology are factored into the right solutions for you…
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